Whittlesea Community Garden

Whittlesea Community Garden

Share or develop a love of gardening. Learn new things through regular workshops, rent a garden (POA), grow vegies, meet other gardeners, make new friends and catch up with old ones.

The vision of the Whittlesea Community Garden is to create a welcoming space accessible to all members of our community that offers diverse pathways for people to:
  • learn - create a sustainable community resource for current and future generations to enjoy;
  • share - promote and enable social connection within the community;
  • grow - provide a space for people to come together for a range of community building activities;
  • heal - provide opportunities for reflection and have opportunities to improve health and wellbeing.
The Whittlesea Community Garden offers garden beds for lease (individuals & groups), shared garden beds and provides a community space that includes walking paths, picnic table & chairs, ornamental garden beds, art displays, an amphitheatre and a reflective area.

We have twice weekly supported session times when a facilitator and volunteers are always on site and available to introduce new people, co-ordinate activities and provide friendship, knowledge and support.

While the prime interest in the community garden is actual gardening, a large number of people in our community have seen the opportunity for community connections without gardening. From this a number of arts projects have developed, as well as groups with interests in using the garden for community meetings and a learning space with workshops and guest speakers. The community use of the garden is not limited to gardening!

Opening Hours:

Supported sessions times are held every Monday 8.30 am - 11.30 am and Thursday 10am to 1pm.


Annual membership fee $15, additional fees to lease plots ($30 annually). $15 bond for keys to garden.


Separate from the main fenced area with garden plots, the surrounding areas are a joy to visit. There are mosaics, murals, gardens, tables and seats, cubby for kids, free street library, public vegetable tubs and a Community Seed Library.



55 Laurel Street,  Whittlesea 3757 Map

(03) 9716 3361

Email Enquiry

Web Links


Whittlesea Community Garden on Facebook

Whittlesea Community Garden55 Laurel Street,, Whittlesea, Victoria, 3757