Village Common Playground, Springthorpe Boulevard, Macleod

Village Common Playground, Springthorpe Boulevard, Macleod

Unusual playground with lots of vertical poles sticking out of the ground. In all those poles it is hard to find a lot of play equipment but there is a wave slide, scrambling wall, tunnel, spiral and normal ladders, abacus, steering wheel, chain bridge and lots of ramps and levels. There is a toddler area with shop front, tic-tac-toe, abacus and clock.

Playground is fully fenced with unshaded seats and water tap. Outside the fenced area is a huge grassy area.



56 Springthorpe Boulevard,  Macleod 3085 Map

Village Common Playground, Springthorpe Boulevard, Macleod56 Springthorpe Boulevard,, Macleod, Victoria, 3085