Maldon Gardens Playground, High Street, Maldon

Maldon Gardens Playground, High Street, Maldon

The playground is hidden away behind the Visitor Information Centre and Lawn Bowling Club.

The playground has a nice variety of equipment with a highlight being a beautiful red train with two carriages. There is also a panel with a hole for your face if you want to be a gold miner, some small tunnels, nice in-ground trampoline, cute bike springer, wagon springer, swings, sit-on carousel which can spin very fast - beware of centrifugal force, or any other force you care to think of, a medium sized pyramid rope climbing frame and a birds nest swing.

A big shelter with two tables and BBQ, another tin shelter with two tables, unshaded seats, some fairly limited grassy area, water tap and toilets.



93 High Street,  Maldon 3463 Map

Maldon Gardens Playground, High Street, Maldon93 High Street,, Maldon, Victoria, 3463