Heathdale Glen Orden Wetlands Outdoor Gym Circuit (Werribee)

Heathdale Glen Orden Wetlands Outdoor Gym Circuit (Werribee)

There is a circuit path, which is about 1 km long, which has three fitness stations.

Station #3 is near the playground on the west side of the wetlands and the carpark off Rosella Avenue. The gym has sit-up benches (2x), chin-up bars (2x), back arch, arch with hanging handles, steppers and log traverse. Unshaded seat.

Continue in an anti-clockwise direction along the path.

Station #2 is in the south west corner. Climbing wall with rope net, plyometric steps, steppers and rope net bridge.

Before you reach another playground, turn left and cross the wetlands are using a bridge.

Station #1 is in the north west of the wetlands. Rope climbing wall, suspended horizontal rope ladder, steppers, dip station, sit-up bench (2x) and ladder on ground. One unshaded seat.

Note: We visited after the area received a lot of rain and most of the gym areas were wet.



67 Rosella Avenue,  Werribee 3030 Map

Heathdale Glen Orden Wetlands Outdoor Gym Circuit (Werribee)67 Rosella Avenue,, Werribee, Victoria, 3030