Chateau Promenade Playground, Deanside

Chateau Promenade Playground, Deanside

Set in a large grassy rectangle is a playground with play structures for different ages. The larger and higher structure has dual wave slides, steep single wave slide, scrambling wall, tunnel, shopfront, rope net ladder, disks on vertical poles traverse, abacus, steering wheel, fireman's pole, hanging disk traverse, disk bridge, monkey rungs and rope traverse.

The smaller structure has a wave slide, tic-tac-toe, steps, steering wheel and ladder.

There is also a 'Find your way home' panel, clanger to hit against pipes. 'Tell the time' panel, see-saw, birds nest swing, two standard swings, stand-on spinner and surfboard springer.

Shelter with two tables, BBQ, unshaded seat and water tap.



34 Chateau Promenade,  Deanside 3336 Map

Chateau Promenade Playground, Deanside34 Chateau Promenade,, Deanside, Victoria, 3336