Yorkdale Central Park Playground, Yorkdale Boulevard, Delacomb

Yorkdale Central Park Playground, Yorkdale Boulevard, Delacomb

A wooden tower with big curved tunnel slide, dual wave slides, various ladders, rope and curved walkways, rope spiders web climbing frame, rope traverse, stepping stones, disk step bridge, climbing wall and rope bridge.

Yorkdale Central Park Playground, Yorkdale Boulevard, Delacomb

There is also a mound with two slides, birds nest swing, two standard swings, sandpit with digger, cute rock spinners with faces, little flying fox and monkey rungs.

Yorkdale Central Park Playground, Yorkdale Boulevard, Delacomb

There are two shelters with a table, wetlands area and an oval.


36 Yorkdale Boulevard,  Delacomb 3356 Map

Yorkdale Central Park Playground, Yorkdale Boulevard, Delacomb36 Yorkdale Boulevard,, Delacomb, Victoria, 3356