Wattle Tennis Club (Bentleigh)

Wattle Tennis Club (Bentleigh)

At Wattle Tennis Club in Bentleigh, we enjoy social tennis in a fun and relaxed atmosphere on our 2 en tout cas courts.

Wattle Tennis Club is a social tennis club catering for all ages, particularly adults desiring relaxing social tennis. Members have access to the courts at all times and are able to bring friends. Members are able to obtain their own court key for a one-off charge which enables them to play any time the courts are available.

Membership fees are very reasonable. Annual membership fees are currently $80 per year and $10 pa for the student child of a member, with no joining fee. Only $5 for additional children.

Social Tennis
Wattle Tennis Club is a friendly place to play tennis. We specialise in social tennis rather than competition and welcome players of all standards. No weekly commitment, no pressure to perform. Just come along and enjoy some friendly tennis any time you feel like it.

Every Tuesday morning from 9.30 am to 11.30 am, a mixed group plays doubles sets of 4 games, then rotates players, so there is very little waiting time between sets. Come along and try yourself out, even if you are not an experienced player.

Every Saturday from 1pm onwards, the members, mainly play mixed doubles matches of standard scoring - first pair to reach 6 games win. Advantage games and tie-breakers are not usually played. The younger and fitter members often play singles, depending on numbers. Afternoon tea supplied. Come along and try it out yourself. We are very friendly and welcoming of new members.

Junior tennis coaching is available through Millennium Tennis Academy.

If you park in Higgins Rd, Bentleigh, then walk in a northerly direction across the parkland, past the bowling club on your left. Head towards the football/cricket oval. We are a small light grey painted clubroom on your left, next to the crickets nets.

If you enter via Arthur St, from Centre Rd, on the north side of the Benteligh Recreation Reserve, park your car at the north end of the oval. Then walk past the cricket/football pavillion and head towards the cricket nets. We have a small light grey painted clubroom, located right next to the cricket nets on your right.



Arthur Street,  Bentleigh 3204 Map

0413 959 979

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Millennium Tennis Academy - Australia on Facebook

Wattle Tennis Club (Bentleigh)Arthur Street,, Bentleigh, Victoria, 3204