Walk with Words at Golden Sun Moth Park (Craigieburn)

Walk with Words at Golden Sun Moth Park (Craigieburn)

The HumeXplorer initiative encourages young children and their families to get outdoors and explore the parks and open spaces in Hume City with nature-based play activities. As you walk along the path, you'll be able to read a story along the ten signs.

Each Walk with Works trail features a nature-themed picture story book from Australian authors that you can read along the way.

This walk is based on "We All Sleep" by Ezekiel Kwaymullina and Sally Morgan.

Length:1.5km return.
Time: Approximately 30 minutes when stopping to read the story.
Difficulty: Low.

Follow the footpath markers to discover the next part of the story.

The adventure starts close to the car park and can be found by looking for the stickers on the footpath. The stickers will guide you along a gentle walk that the whole family can enjoy.

Walk with Words at Golden Sun Moth Park (Craigieburn)


327 Grand Boulevard,  Craigieburn 3064 Map

Walk with Words at Golden Sun Moth Park (Craigieburn)327 Grand Boulevard,, Craigieburn, Victoria, 3064