Tynan Park Playground, Taverner Street, Berriwillock

Tynan Park Playground, Taverner Street, Berriwillock

The playground is located next to the pool under some trees and has a possum springer, old see-saw, target for balls, tic-tac-toe, digger in wood chips and a structure with wave slide, ladder, steering wheel, inclined climber with circles and a twisty fireman's pole.

Shelter with BBQs and two tables, two unshaded tables, toilets, water tap and small grassy area. There are some huge grain silos opposite the playground.



53 Taverner Street,  Berriwillock 3531 Map

Tynan Park Playground, Taverner Street, Berriwillock53 Taverner Street,, Berriwillock, Victoria, 3531