The Patch Reserve Playground, Kallista-Emerald Road, The Patch

The Patch Reserve Playground, Kallista-Emerald Road, The Patch

The playground is set in a huge grass expanse beside The Patch Primary School. There is a wooden structure with curved slide, wave slide, climbing wall, shopfront, steep rope bridge, monkey rungs, curved walkway, ladder and disks on a vertical pole.

Also monkey bars, rope spiders web climbing frame and hanging disk traverse.

Table and seat under trees. There is a sandpit and a fun mural at the neighbouring school. There are lots of cubby building materials along the fence.



51 Kallista-Emerald Road,  The Patch 3792 Map

The Patch Reserve Playground, Kallista-Emerald Road, The Patch51 Kallista-Emerald Road,, The Patch, Victoria, 3792