Silo Park Playground, Cavern Boulevard, Clyde North

Silo Park Playground, Cavern Boulevard, Clyde North

Fully fenced, all-abilities playground with a high cylindrical tower with two big tunnel slides as a highlight. There is a ramp to reach the bottom level of the tower. The smaller twistier slide, which starts from the first level can be reached either by steps or a vertical rope tunnel ladder. The second slide which is much bigger which starts from level two can also be reached by stairs or continuing to climb up the rope tunnel ladder. Around the base of the tower are soft sloping walls with climbing holds.

To the side are two in-ground trampolines, all abilities spinning carousel (which takes a lot of Dad power to push around), elevated sandpit under shade sails (broken when we visited after a storm).

Silo Park Playground, Cavern Boulevard, Clyde North

Also a log stepper area and little grassy area with more sloping walls with climbing holds.

Silo Park Playground, Cavern Boulevard, Clyde North

In one corner under shade sails is a birds nest swing and pentagonal frame with five swings plus an unshaded log balance circuit.

Silo Park Playground, Cavern Boulevard, Clyde North

There's a large shelter with two tables, long row of seats, BBQs, water tap and a toilet. Outside the fenced area is a basketball half court, large grassy areas and outdoor gym.

The playground is supported by Livvi's Place who create all-abilities playgrounds.



17 Cavern Boulevard,  Clyde North 3978 Map

Silo Park Playground, Cavern Boulevard, Clyde North17 Cavern Boulevard,, Clyde North, Victoria, 3978