Saratoga Park Playground, Featherbrook Drive, Point Cook

Saratoga Park Playground, Featherbrook Drive, Point Cook

There are two play areas close to each other. One area has a springer, stand-on spinner, two swings and a structure with curved slide, shop front, ladder and scrambling wall.

The other area is higher and has a wave slide, climbing wall, vertical rope climbing wall, shop front, ladder, bridge with disk steps, monkey bars and flying fox. At the back there are log stump and rock steppers and a water play area with a pump and a channel for water to flow down.

Saratoga Park Playground, Featherbrook Drive, Point Cook

There is a good sized basketball court, big shelter with BBQs and two tables, one unshaded table, water tap and grassy areas.



193 Featherbrook Drive,  Point Cook 3030 Map

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100 Free Water Play Spaces in Melbourne and Regional Victoria

Saratoga Park Playground, Featherbrook Drive, Point Cook193 Featherbrook Drive,, Point Cook, Victoria, 3030