Orbis Avenue Playground, Fraser Rise

Orbis Avenue Playground, Fraser Rise

In one corner is a structure with a big curved tunnel slide, rope net bridge, monkey bars, rope bridge, fireman's pole, scrambling wall, speak and listen system and shop front. Steps lead up to the slide.

There are four vertical logs with climbing holds, cluster of log steppers, birds nest swing, wooden log balance beam circuit, two standard swings and kangaroo springer.

Orbis Avenue Playground, Fraser Rise

Another structure has a slide, scrambling wall, shop front, tic-tac-toe, ladder, vertical rope net, monkey rungs and balance beam with obstacles.

Shelter with two tables, BBQ, water tap and grassy area.



111 Orbis Avenue,  Fraser Rise 3335 Map

Orbis Avenue Playground, Fraser Rise111 Orbis Avenue,, Fraser Rise, Victoria, 3335