Progress Reserve Dog Off Leash Area (Coolaroo)

Progress Reserve Dog Off Leash Area (Coolaroo)

There is a carpark in the middle of the reserve. Only the western oval is off leash. The eastern oval which has a playground at each end is an on-leash area. The off leash oval has two soccer goal frames and is fenced with some gaps. There is a bin on the east side of the oval.

Opening Hours:

Dogs must be on leash 8am-5pm.

Off-Leash Area:

Progress Reserve Dog Off Leash Area (Coolaroo)

Hume Council Dog Off-leash Area Map Legend



25 Almurta Avenue,  Coolaroo 3048 Map

Progress Reserve Dog Off Leash Area (Coolaroo)25 Almurta Avenue,, Coolaroo, Victoria, 3048