Greendale Rec Reserve Playground, Cnr Ballan-Greendale Rd and Bradys Lane, Greendale

Greendale Rec Reserve Playground, Cnr Ballan-Greendale Rd and Bradys Lane, Greendale

Set next to the football ground. Structure with dual wave slides, climbing wall, rope bridge, chain traverse, monkey bars, hanging disks and spiders web rope climbing frame. Another structure has a curved slide, rope ladder, shop front, steps, maze panel, steering wheel and ladder with square rungs. Swings, large sandpit, stand-on spinner, skate board springer and suspended two person rocker.

Big shelter with four tables and BBQs. Combined basketball / tennis courts, unshaded table and seats, water tap and toilets.



Cnr Ballan-Greendale Road and Bradys Lane,  Greendale 3341 Map

Greendale Rec Reserve Playground, Cnr Ballan-Greendale Rd and Bradys Lane, GreendaleCnr Ballan-Greendale Road and Bradys Lane,, Greendale, Victoria, 3341