Waverley Woodworkers (Mount Waverley)

Waverley Woodworkers (Mount Waverley)

If you are interested in anything to do with wood, then we extend to you, our invitation to join our club members on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, to see our club facilities, and meet with fellow Club Members. Refer to latest club newsletter, for meeting times and activities provided.

Come along as a visitor to meet us to learn more about the fascinating and rewarding world of wood and working with wood.

If you want to work on an item to make, our Club members will be only too happy to share their experiences and hospitality with you. There is always a club member on duty to assist you if required.

Our membership cost are modest. Join a project group e.g. Toymaking or Woodturning, and become involved in some of the activities we regularly enjoy. From carving, woodturning, furniture building, shelf making, modelling to just talking about wood related matters. Explore the club facilities offered by Waverley Woodworkers Inc.


2 Windsor Avenue,  Mount Waverley 3149 Map

Email Enquiry

Web Links


Waverley Woodworkers (Mount Waverley)2 Windsor Avenue,, Mount Waverley, Victoria, 3149