F.G. Pike Reserve Playground, Arlington Street, Reservoir

F.G. Pike Reserve Playground, Arlington Street, Reservoir

Couple of fun, colourful structures which get morning shade. One structure has a curved slide, block steps, fireman's pole, steering wheel, walkway, shop front, binoculars, telescope, disks on vertical pole, climbing wall, climbing mat bridge and balance beam. The other structure has a good wave slide, rope climbing frame, disks on a vertical pole, hanging ropes, suspended plastic circles to crawl through, horizontal bars and monkey rungs. Two person rocker suspended from poles, springer, swing and sandpit with mechanical scoop.

Unshaded table and seats. Water tap. Limited grassy area.



Cnr Arlington Street and Mason Street,  Reservoir 3073 Map

F.G. Pike Reserve Playground, Arlington Street, ReservoirCnr Arlington Street and Mason Street,, Reservoir, Victoria, 3073