Sunshine Park Tennis Club (Sunshine)

Sunshine Park Tennis Club (Sunshine)

Catering to the needs and enjoyment of all users. We offer competitions and tennis activities for all levels with a focus on fun. Whether you want to just have a hit with friends or participate in the numerous structured activities offered.

Sunshine Park Tennis Club has 2 en-tout-cas courts, 2 synthetic grass courts, 2 plexi-cushion hard courts and 2 MLC Hotshots Courts. Four of the courts have lighting.

Competitions include WRTA Juniors Saturday mornings, WSNTG Mens Tuesday night/ Ladies Wednesday Nights, NSNTA Mens Thursday nights and Tennis Vic Pennant Saturdays and Sundays.

Coaching is conducted by Tennis Futures Australia which is focused on providing high-quality tennis coaching services that follow and maintain the traditions and etiquette of the game while doing everything possible to meet your tennis development requirements..


Book a Court Online
Members can bring a friend for $5 per person.
Note: The en-tout-cas courts are not available for public hire

Located at JR Parsons Reserve.


24 Stanford Street,  Sunshine 3020 Map

(03) 9311 6636 / 0423 195 106

Email Enquiry

Web Links

Sunshine Park Tennis Club Inc on Facebook

Sunshine Park Tennis Club (Sunshine)24 Stanford Street,, Sunshine, Victoria, 3020