T.A Cochrane Reserve Playground, Collier Street, Preston

T.A Cochrane Reserve Playground, Collier Street, Preston

Colourful boat shaped structure with two wave slides, walkway, steps, log roll, steering wheel, flying fox, abacus, tic-tac-toe, spiral ladder, telescope, chain traverse and curved monkey bars. There is also a hopscotch area, two skateboard springers, black swan springer gliding serenely over the woodchips (as all swans do), interesting climbing structure with rope net and climbing wall, birds nest swing and standard swings. On the side of the playground is a flying fox with disk seat.

There are three partly shaded tables, water tap and some lovely round ceramic murals created by local children. There is a big grassy area next to the playground which is an off leash dog area and the whole park is circled by a concrete path which is ideal for bike riding. The playground has been upgraded to include more equipment.



10 Collier Street,  Preston 3072 Map

T.A Cochrane Reserve Playground, Collier Street, Preston10 Collier Street,, Preston, Victoria, 3072