Endeavour Hills Gym Club

Endeavour Hills Gym Club

Ed Gym
Ed Gym is an educational Kinda-Gym program for children from walking to 4 years. Ed Gym is designed to aide children in development of Physical, Social, Emotional, and Mental skills in a safe and non-competitive environment. Ed Gym classes are based around movement and music, parent participation and all classes are conducted by qualified and experienced leaders. Ed Gym is an equipment based program, which encourages having fun whilst learning and helps with development of children's gross motor skills.

Gym Fun
Gym Fun is a casual - pay as you go - introduction to gymnastics. The classes are designed to give participants a taste of what gymnastics is all about. Gym Fun does not have levels or certificates, however it is based on the same skills as some of out other classes. Coaches are generally trainees and coach under the supervision of our senior coaches.

Gym Safe
The Gymsafe gymnastics program was designed by the YMCA to introduce children to the basic skills of gymnastics in a non-competitive environment. There are 10 levels within the Gymsafe Program. Children progress through the level at their own pace and are tested at the end of each term. Certificates are presented as each level is passed.

All children new to gymnastics that choose to participate at our centre start in the Gymsafe program and progress through the levels. Gymnasts attend classes once a week for one hour. Children showing potential are selected by our coaches to move to our National Competition Program if the choose to.

Little Big Gym
Little Big Gym classes are designed to introduce formal gymnastics in a fun and safe atmosphere, aimed at children under 5 who are not attending school. Classes are held for 4-5 years and are parent free with all classes being conducted under the supervision on a qualified and experienced coach.

National Gymnastics
Children who show potential and talent are chosen from the Gymsafe program to train in our 'National' classes. These classes train towards competition at a fast rate.

Most people associate this sport with mucking around on a backyard trampoline - but it is so much more than that!!!! At the lower or beginner levels the emphasis is on structured enjoyment and safety. At the higher or senior levels it provides a breathtaking combination of twisting and somersaulting, which require strenght, stamina, skill and courage.


10 Raymond McMahon Blvd,  Endeavour Hills 3802 Map

(03) 9700 4697

Email Enquiry

Web Links

Gymnastics @Endeavour Hills Leisure Centre

Endeavour Hills Leisure Centre YMCA on Facebook

Endeavour Hills Gym Club10 Raymond McMahon Blvd,, Endeavour Hills, Victoria, 3802