Braeside Park Playground, Lower Dandenong Road, Braeside

Braeside Park Playground, Lower Dandenong Road, Braeside

Huge wooden structure with a couple of really nice long slides with one being a tunnel slide. Also some other smaller slides, climbing equipment, springers, see-saw and climbing chain mesh. Really good exploration area for kids. Surrounded by gum trees and plenty of shaded tables. This is meant to be a wetlands area but I only saw parched areas in February. Plenty of bird life. Park in the Magpie car park or surrounding car parks. I need to point out the sign at the entrance "Please be aware snakes live in the park also"



Lower Dandenong Road,  Braeside 3195 Map

Braeside Park Playground, Lower Dandenong Road, BraesideLower Dandenong Road,, Braeside, Victoria, 3195