Leonard Street Playground, Tootgarook

Leonard Street Playground, Tootgarook

A fun playground with a lot of separate elements. There's a metal climbing frame with big arched monkey bars, structure with two metal slides, climbing wall, scrambling wall and vertical rope net, a see-saw, fish springer, colourful xylophone, frog springer (with crown on head), buggy, spinning rope cone, inverted V-shaped climbing frame, birds nest swing and two standard swings.

Nice grassy area with two unshaded tables, unshaded seats, water tap and fenced dog park next door.

A highlight is a trip to the Parthenon in Greece. Check out the house at #65 with spectacular columns and statues.

Leonard Street Playground, Tootgarook



65 Leonard Street,  Tootgarook 3941 Map

Leonard Street Playground, Tootgarook65 Leonard Street,, Tootgarook, Victoria, 3941