Hillgrove Central Park Playground, Lightsview Boulevard, Rockbank

Hillgrove Central Park Playground, Lightsview Boulevard, Rockbank

Set between the wetlands area and the road, there is a medium sized pyramid rope climbing frame, two metal slides, big sandpit, music area with drums and xylophone, three in-ground trampolines, three swings (one standard swing, one birds nest swing, one harness seat swing) and water play area with pumps, channel and sluice gates.

Some grassy area. Shelter with two tables and water tap.



21 Lightsview Boulevard,  Rockbank 3335 Map

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100 Free Water Play Spaces in Melbourne and Regional Victoria

Hillgrove Central Park Playground, Lightsview Boulevard, Rockbank21 Lightsview Boulevard,, Rockbank, Victoria, 3335