Embleton Chase Playground, Weir Views

Embleton Chase Playground, Weir Views

Compact structure with two towers. The higher end has a twisting slide, shopfronts, tic-tac-toe, clock, ladder, rope bridge, monkey rungs, rope spiders web climbing frame and another rope climbing frame. A rope net bridge leads down to the other tower with dual wave slides, shopfront, disks on a vertical pole and fireman's pole.

There is also a tinnie on springs with two steering wheels, balance circuit, spinning disk, birds nest swing, fish springer and swings.

Shelter with three tables and unshaded BBQs, water tap, viewing platform across the wetlands area, grassy area and outdoor gym about 100m away.



33 Embleton Chase,  Weir Views 3338 Map

Embleton Chase Playground, Weir Views33 Embleton Chase,, Weir Views, Victoria, 3338