Elm Park Playground, Pump House Crescent, Clyde

Elm Park Playground, Pump House Crescent, Clyde

A grassy square with two metal soccer nets, playground, shelter with tables and a sandpit under shade sails. The wooden structure is decent with a small wave slide, scrambling wall, monkey bars, hanging disks, tic-tac-toe, variety of ladders, monkey bars and monkey rungs. Also swings and a ladder on a mound.

The sandpit which has coarse sand has a wall with holes, balance beams, sand play table and two cute insect springers.

Elm Park Playground, Pump House Crescent, Clyde



Pump House Crescent,  Clyde 3978 Map

Elm Park Playground, Pump House Crescent, ClydePump House Crescent,, Clyde, Victoria, 3978