Discovery Park Playground, Balmain Road, Mickleham

Discovery Park Playground, Balmain Road, Mickleham

This park is called Discovery Park for a reason - there's plenty to discover here including a tiger with a cub, elephant, hippo, gorilla and giant frogs along the length of a water play channel with a number of water hand pumps. All of this can be explored in a safari jeep on springs (those African roads are SO bumpy).

Discovery Park Playground, Balmain Road, Mickleham

There is also a big climbing frame with climbing walls, fireman's pole, vertical rope net, elevated balance beams, ladders and slides. There is an inverted U-shape which rotates, spinning rope cone, three swings and huge monkey bars (only a real monkey could get to the end of this).

Discovery Park Playground, Balmain Road, Mickleham

There are plenty of young trees which have been planted and when these become bigger this adventure area will get even better.

Discovery Park Playground, Balmain Road, Mickleham

Shelter with two tables, water tap and grassy area with metal soccer goals.



128 Balmain Road,  Mickleham 3064 Map

Discovery Park Playground, Balmain Road, Mickleham128 Balmain Road,, Mickleham, Victoria, 3064