Evesham Street Reserve Playground, Crestway Drive, Cranbourne North

Evesham Street Reserve Playground, Crestway Drive, Cranbourne North

Quite an extensive play structure which requires a certain amount of climbing skill to get to the main wave slide. The structure has a smaller wave slide, block steps, rope bridge, rope ladder, hanging dusk traverse, honeycomb bridge, wooden ladder, fireman's pole, shop fronts, abacus and steering wheel panel.

There is also a medium sized rope climbing frame pyramid, echidna springer, see-saw with horse seats and swings.

Shelter with two tables and seats, water tap, BBQ and large grassy area.



10 Crestway Drive,  Cranbourne North 3977 Map

Evesham Street Reserve Playground, Crestway Drive, Cranbourne North10 Crestway Drive,, Cranbourne North, Victoria, 3977