Cardigan Village Park Playground, Appleby Drive, Cardigan Village

Cardigan Village Park Playground, Appleby Drive, Cardigan Village

The playground has swings, koala springer, kangaroo springer and two play structures. One structure has a curved slide, shop front, tic-tac-toe, spiral ladder, steep short climbing bridge with circles, chain traverse, log roll and balance beam. The other has a wave slide, tunnel, ladder, chain ladder, fireman's pole, shop front and steering wheel.

Shelter with table and BBQ. Next to tennis courts, unshaded table, grassy area, water tap and toilets.



2 Appleby Drive,  Cardigan Village 3352 Map

Cardigan Village Park Playground, Appleby Drive, Cardigan Village2 Appleby Drive,, Cardigan Village, Victoria, 3352