Broadway Park Equestrian Centre (Gruyere)

Broadway Park Equestrian Centre (Gruyere)

Broadway Park Equestrian Centre provides horse riding lessons all year round in our indoor arena for all ages and levels. Agistment includes full facility use.

Riding Lessons
Broadway Park is the ideal facility to have riding lessons. Dianne Lucas is an accredited Equestrian Australia NCAS Dressage 1 coach and teaches all ages, at all stages of their riding career. Dianne has developed a keen eye for assessing rider needs and is able to select interesting and engaging exercises to fast-track improvement.

Dianne's friendly approach is also welcomed by her students as is her sense of fun in the activities chosen for lessons. Her success as an instructor makes Dianne an in-demand educator and judge at pony club events across the state.

Riders can bring their own horse to the property for lessons or access one of Dianne's well educated school horses.

Agisters at Broadway Park can opt into a regular group lesson under Dianne's instruction where activities range from drill team riding, to showjumping and mounted games. There are also specially organised cross country workshops at nearby Wandin Park.

Ready, Set, Trot
Broadway Park is proud to be a foundation provider of EFA's "Ready, Set, Trot" program.

Ready, Set, Trot takes riding lessons to the next level by introducing a formal framework for tuition. There are documented goals and outcomes for each level, ensuring children receive quality education.

Ready Set Trot introduces young people to the world of horses, teaching them fundamental horse skills within a safe setting while also focusing on core values such as responsibility, communication, respect, empathy and team work. The carefully structured program is also very affordable and is a much more cost effective alternative to owning a pony.

Broadway Park is a wonderful venue for children to be involved in Ready, Set, Trot. Not only are they instructed by EFA qualified coach Dianne Lucas, but they are instructed with the quality facilities that Broadway Park has to offer. If the weekend forecast is for rain, it doesn't matter with an indoor arena and undercover tie to keep both ponies and their riders out of the weather. Plus, Broadway Park's school ponies are famous for their gentle natures. From TV commercials to indoor shopping centre promotions - they've seen and done it!

Pony Parties
At Broadway Park we know how to deliver a top-class pony party. In fact, we run pony parties as a separate business called My Little Party Pony. We've been doing pony parties for many years and have been able to refine our package offering to suit a range of needs. Plus, our ponies are just divine! They're sweet-natured, beautifully presented and placidly soak up the attention and excitement of a pony party.

Pony Rides are perfect for School Fairs, Corporate Family Days, Wine Tastings, Horse Races- and more!

My Little Party Ponies don't just come to celebrations. Our ponies are so gorgeously well behaved that they are used for Schools, Kindergartens, Elderly Homes and Hospitals. Whether they're ridden or just patted, they bring a a genuine smile to everyone's face. For that extra special surprise, try My Little Party Ponies.


11 Darling Road,  Gruyere 3770 Map

0412 115 552

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Broadway Park Equestrian Centre (Gruyere)11 Darling Road,, Gruyere, Victoria, 3770