Arbour Boulevard North Reserve Playground, Arbour Boulevard, Burnside Heights

Arbour Boulevard North Reserve Playground, Arbour Boulevard, Burnside Heights

The playground is quite spread out and areas are hidden by rows of bushes. The main structure has a wooden tepee with scrambling wall, rope bridges, metal slide and a thick rope traverse.

Also a swing with a thick rope seat, two standard swings, log, stump and rock stepper circuit, cute see-saw with bug seats, cute bug springer, spinning disk with four seats, music area with three xylophones, vertical percussion pipes with clangers and drums.

Arbour Boulevard North Reserve Playground, Arbour Boulevard, Burnside Heights

Basketball half court, simple skate park, outdoor gym, grassy area, an area with one set of AFL posts, shelter with two tables, BBQs and water tap.



13 Arbour Boulevard,  Burnside Heights 3023 Map

Arbour Boulevard North Reserve Playground, Arbour Boulevard, Burnside Heights13 Arbour Boulevard,, Burnside Heights, Victoria, 3023